WMS PINQUARK implementation in the main seat of the provider of transport and logistics services

Laude Smart Intermodal SA is a dynamically developing company offering transport and logistics services. Thanks to the implementation of the PINQUARK system the supplier has significantly shortened, among others, the implementation time of key logistics processes, reduced costs and completely eliminated printed documents at selected stages of the supply chain. The new WMS system has also led to the increase of the automation level in the modern Laude Logistics Center located in Poland.
In the logistics industry, the principle of "time is money" applies. The more time warehouse workers have to spend at work to complete all the tasks entrusted to them, the higher the cost borne by the company. Therefore, effective warehouse management should assume the appropriate organization of the warehouse - both spatial and temporal. All warehouse processes should be carried out as quickly as possible and with a minimum amount of work. To achieve this, an appropriate WMS system that will help to optimize key activities taking place in the entire warehouse, should be chosen.
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Among the key issues that have a direct impact on reducing the costs of storing goods in a warehouse there are such factors as the efficient use of warehouse space and knowledge of where individual products are located. Due to the need to optimize logistics costs and to constantly increase the efficiency of warehouse processes, more and more companies decide to implement specialized WMS systems that support the warehouse management.
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The efficient functioning of warehouses is one of the key elements of the logistics chain in both large companies and small businesses. Regardless of whether a given facility has a huge storage space or a small area for storing goods, they have one thing in common - they must work as effectively as possible. WMS systems are designed to increase the efficiency of the most important warehouse processes through automation, to support employees and reduce the costs of the business. According to the estimates of Research and Markets experts, fully automated warehouse systems can help to optimize logistics activities in a warehouse to 60% and reduce warehouse operating costs by up to 65%.
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The digital revolution is accelerating. According to the data presented in the Deloitte report "Automation with intelligence. Pursuing organization-wide reimagination" , as many as 73% of companies in the world started introducing intelligent automation in 2020 - in 2019 this result was at the level of 58%. Deloitte experts estimate that the market of automated technologies will grow at a rate of 40.6% annually and by 2027 it will probably reach a value of $ 25.66 billion.
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